
10 Common Household Objects That Are Part of the Internet of Things

Have you ever wondered which household items connect to one another and how they help to improve your daily life? This concept is referred to as the internet of things and is defined as any network of physical devices that are interconnected. In this article, we will be taking a look at ten common household objects that are part of the internet of things.


1. TVs

First on our list of 10 common household objects that are a part of this network are our very own television sets. For many years now TV’s have been able to be connected to the internet to allow users to connect with home entertainment devices such as game systems and streaming services.


Next on our list are refrigerators, which happen to be relatively new to the lineup of smart objects. These new refrigerators are internet compatible and allow you to access information regarding the current stock of your fridge’s items as well as their expiration dates.

3. Shirts

Shirts are another common household item interconnected with your devices. There are shirts with silver woven into them that allow your shirt to connect with iPhones and Apple watches to provide you with real time data on your workout.

4. Lawn Sprinklers

A significant common household device that allows for optimal lawn maintenance are lawn sprinklers. Thanks to their WiFi compatibility now, your lawn care preferences can be controlled directly from your smart phone as well.

5. Cooking Appliances

Another set of items that are connected today is your kitchen appliances. Many of these can be controlled remotely from your smart phone to prevent overcooking food and even fires.

6. Security Systems

Many homes nowadays have security systems that are interconnected. This connection allows for emergency services to be alerted even in the case of the security system being compromised or damaged. Another benefit to owning one of these security systems is the ability to view live video footage of your home remotely.

7. Thermostats

Thermostats are another common household item that has recently integrated internet connectivity. This technology allows users to receive all relevant data concerning their home’s temperatures to any device that they choose.

8. Air Conditioners

For many, air conditioners are essential to have in certain climates yet are relatively expensive in cost. Thanks to smart technology, air conditioners are now wi-fi compatible, allowing for their settings to be controlled remotely via smart phone or tablet. One is even able to set a particular time when the air conditioner will turn on and off during the day even when no one is home.

9. Washing Machines

Today, even washing machines are Internet-ready, many of which send reports to your smart phone with information regarding your laundry. Users no longer have to get up and check on the washing machine all the time, alerts can now be sent to inform you when it is done with its cycle.

10. Lighting

Last on our list of 10 common household objects that are a part of the internet of things are your home lighting. Certain companies such as Phillips Hue (which is compatible with most home hubs) allow for your home’s lighting to connect to your smartphones and tablets to be managed remotely. Thanks to smart lighting, saving electricity is even easier.

And there we have it, ten common household items that are a part of the internet of things. Thanks to internet connectivity, these forms of technology integration into your home can be easily managed all from one device. Are there any other common household items that you would include into this list? Feel free to comment about them down below.



5 Things You Should Know About the Internet of Things

In our high-tech, smartphone-abundant world, you might be forgiven for thinking that the internet has seamlessly integrated itself into modern life. However, tech leaders are striving for even more connectivity.

The idea of enabling everyday objects with the internet and computing capability is known as the internet of things (IoT). These objects will be able to create new data and exchange it with other devices. It’s the way of the future– some predict the IoT to grow to 75.4 billion connected devices by 2025! So brush up on your IoT knowledge now with this list of five essential things you need to know about the internet of things.


1. Your Home is Getting Smart

There are already many IoT devices on the market, ranging from Smart home assistants like Amazon Echo to smart wearables like Fitbit. Any device in the house that has a switch has the potential for connectivity, including your coffee maker, your thermostat, and even your toilet paper holder!

2. The IoT is Impacting Businesses

Just as our homes are getting smarter, our workplaces will be more connected too. The industrial internet of things making the manufacturing process more productive with machine-to-machine communication. But speeding up production is not the only way the IoT affects business. Every step in the supply chain will be impacted. Companies will find marketing and inventory management easier, while consumers will be able to shop more efficiently and have their products sooner.

3. Smart Cities are On Their Way

The connectivity and data collection that is the hallmark of the IoT can be integrated into our infrastructure too. Nearly every public sector will be affected, including transportation, law enforcement, waste management, energy, and health care. One such smart city is Barcelona, where those principles are enacted with citywide wifi, digital bus stops smart trash cans and even sensors in the street that guide drivers to parking stops. This “network of networks” has reportedly saved Barcelona $58 million annually just through smart water technology!

4.There are Dangers

As the recent malware attacks on global computer systems demonstrated, technological vulnerabilities can be devastating. Just imagine how much worse a cyber attack would be on a self-driving car or an entire city. Concerns have been raised that the IoT is especially vulnerable to botnets who carry out distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks that make the device inaccessible. In addition to hacking, some are worried about privacy rights, surveillance, and what it means when Big Data can have access to how often we speed or brush our teeth in addition to our Netflix habits.

5. The Tech is Outpacing the Regulations

One major reason why concerns about the dangers of the IoT haven’t been abated is the rapid rate of progress. The technology is advancing so fast that public policymakers and industry leaders alike are finding it challenging to implement effective regulations. There is a tendency to think of the internet as outside the law, a virtual wild west. However, that all changes when cars, machinery, and public streets are a part of the web. Issues of privacy and accountability need to be addressed, and an ethical framework needs to be drawn up as well.

Even simple accessories can connect us to the internet
Even simple accessories can connect us to the internet

The gap between the digital and physical world is slowly being erased. Proponents of IoT are predicting you’ll be more productive as you save money and time with smart devices. By outsourcing your energy to the cloud and your smartphone, you can live a more efficient life. However, there are major concerns over security and privacy that need to be addressed.